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Learn Korean Alphabet, 'Hangul' in 45 minutes

외국인을 위한 45분 만에 한글 배우기

"The Book, 'Learn Hangul in 45 minutes' Hangul is a Character system, invented some 560 years ago by the great King Sejong of the Chosun Dynasty to use for teaching his people. The shapes of characters are based on how the pronunciation is made in the mouth and are presented so simple and straightforward, it is possible even for foreigners to learn to read in less than an hour. This book explain..
"The Book, 'Learn Hangul in 45 minutes'
Hangul is a Character system, invented some 560 years ago by the great King Sejong of the Chosun Dynasty to use for teaching his people. The shapes of characters are based on how the pronunciation is made in the mouth and are presented so simple and straightforward, it is possible even for foreigners to learn to read in less than an hour. This book explains how to read Hangul characters using some principals of the Kings phonology. Hope you enjoy this booklet and the Korean Letter, Hangul.
Thank you for your interest.

책 소개
훈민정음은 560년 전 조선임금 세종대왕이 사람이 말할 때 입의 모습을 연구하여 만든 문자시스템입니다. 대왕 스스로의 오랜 연구와 심오한 철학이 바탕이 되었지만 백성들이 쉽게 배워 쓰도록 쉽고 간단하게 정리되었습니다. 한글은 훈민정음을 좀 더 단순화시킨 것입니다. 이 책은 세종대왕의 음운학 원리에 기대어 한글의 읽는 방법을 설명한 것입니다. 쉽게 배워 즐겁게 쓰시기 바랍니다. - 저자."
"The Author

Dr.Bu-Yong Shin obtained a Ph.D Degree in Transportation Engineering at the University of Toronto and returned home to become the President of Korea Transport Institute. He lectured at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, the Seoul National University and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST). In 2010, he established the Center for Hangul Engineering Research at KAIST and led until 2015. He is the author of 'The Dictionary of Chinese Characters accessible through English, Pinyin or Hangul', and many books in the Transportation Engineering field. He is the inventor of 8 patents related with Hangul or the Chinese Language.

저자 : 신부용 ( 慎富鏞)
저자는 캐나다 토론토 대학에서 교통공학을 전공하여 석박사학위를 얻은 후 귀국하여 한국 교통연구원 설립에 참여하여 초대 부원장과 원장을 역임하였으며 캐나다 맥매스터대학, 서울대, 및 KAIST에서 교통공학과 교통정책을 강의하였다. 2010년에는 KAIST 문화과학대학에 한글공학연구소를 설립하여 2010년까지 운영하였다. 그는 한중영 한자자전과 교통공학분야에 많은 책을 지었으며 한글 및 중국어 관련 8개의 발명특허를 갖고 있다."

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